Cisco Certified CyberOps Associate

What is Cyberops Associate?

A single breach can have huge consequences for a company’s ability to function, hurting the bottom line and causing disruption in the daily lives of millions of people. This is why the demand for security professionals continues to grow. Get on board—and develop an understanding of cybercrime, security principles, technologies, and procedures used to defend networks. Then decide whether you want to pursue a Mid-level networking or security role professionally.

Achieving the Cisco Certified CyberOps Associate certification ignites your career in cybersecurity operations. To earn the CyberOps Associate certification, you pass one exam that covers the fundamentals of cybersecurity operations, skills, and procedures.


This course is recommended for the students who are planning to study for the CCNA, CCNP Security. Cybersecurity Essentials or equivalent knowledge recommended as a prerequisite.

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