Software Development Fundamentals : Exam 98-361

 Why Need Software Development Fundamentals Certification? 

The Microsoft Software Development Fundamentals certification is mainly targeted to those candidates who want to build their career in application development. This certification is a great place to start if you would like to get into the technology field. Microsoft Software Development Fundamentals certifications address a wide spectrum of fundamental technical concepts, assess and validate core technical knowledge, and enhance technical credibility.



Candidates for this exam are seeking to prove core software development skills. It is recommended that candidates be familiar with the concepts of and have hands-on experience with the technologies described here either by taking relevant training courses or by working with tutorials and samples available on MSDN and in Microsoft Visual Studio. Candidates are expected to have some experience with C# or Microsoft Visual Basic .NET.


 Prerequisites for Exam 

There are no formal prerequisites for the Exam but the Candidates should have the following experience:

  • Designing and developing web applications in an ASP.NET MVC model
  • Planning and designing user interaction solutions based on business requirements
  • Experience with the full software development life cycle of web applications
  • Developing and deploying to multi-tier environments, including Azure
  • Designing and developing asynchronous solutions


 Exams and Trainings 

Required exam                                                                                  Recommended training(s)                    

Exam 98-361                                                                           Software Development Fundamentals


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